Rob Honnor

© 96th Entry

Robbie Honnor (click the link to send an e-mail to Rob).

22 years in the RAF not including my pre-18 years at Halton. Retired in ‘84 as a Chief Tech.


25 years in the aerospace industry ranging from tech authoring, to post design services to project management, ending up as delegated design authority for UK MoD airfield arrestor gear in UK and overseas (RHAG and PAAG). I even managed to get Incorporated Engineer status thru’ RAeS under granddad rules.

Retired in 2009 and went to live back in Cyprus, where I did an accompanied tour 1965-68 and our first 2 kids were born (Princess Margaret’s Hospital Akrotiri now closed and demolished).

Still married to Jude since April ‘65, 4 kids and 4 grand kids.

Update - we are now tour ex Cyprus after almost 10 years and have returned to UK to live in Norfolk.

Most of you will know that I am the volunteer webmaster for our Entry web sites, so you can also reach me from the Contact Us link on the front page.

I also do a bit of beta testing for Hornby digital model railway kit.


7 Rosa Vella Drive

Norwich Road


Norfolk NR20 3SB

Tel: No landline

Mobile UK:  +44 (0)7731837227

Work: Retired and loving it.

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